
  • Should smartphones be banned at schools?

Nowadays, smartphones are something most people can’t live without. Some schools believe that banning smartphones will help students learn better, and some believe that using a phone is an effective learning tool. Even though smartphones can be distracting, schools should allow them because they can be useful for learning and provide safety in emergency situations. In my opinion, one of the main advantage of using a smartphone at school is the ability to communicate with parents, especially in emergencies. Smartphones give the students a stronger feeling of safety. I think that parents would prefer to know if their kids are okay, than be in questionable situation because of the ban on smartphones at school. 

  Moreover, smartphones can be a great tool for learning during class. Using smartphones at schools provide a new education systems. Smartphones can give students more information, letting them research more about a topic during class discussions. Also smartphones can allow students to work in groups on projects and share information. 

  Considering all these, use of smartphones at schools should be allowed. There is no reason to ban smartphones due to possible problems.    

Is it possible to earn money on the YouTube?

YouTube is the world's largest video sharing site. Earning money on the YouTube is a popular way. YouTube has given millions of people the ability to earn by making a video about any skill, talent or opportunity. Those who regularly update their channel with new interesting videos earn the most. It all depends on creative ideas. You can edit videos, make a video of cooking with instructions, and show some master classes and much more. The most important thing for YouTube is having a lot of views and audience. For many YouTubers, advertising is a source of earning money. YouTubers make money by selling promotional material and advanced product recommendations for brands. The earnings on Youtube depends on many factors: number of views. likes, subscribers and presence of advertisers. 

 In my opinion Youtube can't be only source of income. If you are not a celebrity or a popular makeup artist, you can't make enough money for a living. Of course, with an interesting content, you can become one of the popular bloggers step by step, but it can take a long time. Nevertheless building your own audience puts you in a great position to monetize content in a variety of ways. But you’ll only be able to take full advantage of the opportunities, if you understand what your audience want to watch. 

Should guns be sold to people?

Guns can be used for destruction, causing harm or murder. At the same time, they can be used for self-protection. There are so many different opinions on whether to sell guns to people or to ban them. Some people claim that banning of guns is necessary to lower the level of crimes. 
  The main reason to have a legalized gun is for self-protection. In other words, a person can protect himself by shooting an attacker in the leg and escape from him. Moreover, it is Important to say that the police can't protect everyone all the time. I mean, if a person informs the police that he is in danger, they will be at least a few minutes late. A lot of things can happen in those few minutes. Besides, having a gun can give a person a sense of safety in case of home invasion. Also, a woman walking alone on the street at midnight could protect herself from a robber with the gun. 
  Of course guns are powerful and dangerous weapons, but cars are also dangerous. There are more people killed every year by cars, does that mean we should ban cars? And I must mention that if the sale of guns is banned, criminals are acquire guns at black markets. This means that the ban on guns will not make them disappear. Criminals will still get guns, and civilized people won't be able to protect themselves. So, to sum up, I am convinced that guns should be sold to people only for self-protection.

Is Fashion really important?

Nowadays, fashion is probably one of the most important things. Fashion is a way of self-expression and confidence. Fashion is important to me because it allows me to express my individuality and make me feel more confident. I'm still constantly changing my style, because fashion never remains the same, which allows me to try new things. In fact, fashion is something we deal with in our daily life. Even though some people claim they don’t care about what to wear, they choose clothes every morning. 
  Most people think that fashion is not that important, I agree in some way. But for some people, fashion is what they live for. Fashion designers do their best to create new clothes. I can even call it art, because It’s a form of creative expression by a designer. Fashion can inspire people, make them more creative and show how unique they are. Moreover, it's important to remember that fashion is about recognizing your status in a group of people. First of all, people look at how you are dressed. Your clothes influences your professional life and your personal life. For example, at work, if your clothes don't match the style of their institution, it can be considered a disrespect. Taking into account all what I mentioned above, I can confidently say that nowadays fashion plays a very important role in people’s lives and have a huge impact.

If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed

The world is changing everywhere and everyone can do it. I believe that one person can change the world. I believe that one person has the power to inspire others to help change the world. It's a charming notion to think that focusing on the small stuff will lead to greater accomplishment. The idea of starting with something - like making your bed - helps propel you through the day into doing other tasks until you can bite off something big and meaningful. Even little things in life are just as important as the big things. Making even the smallest positive decisions at the start of the day greatly impacts you for the rest of the day. Deciding not to even do simple tasks like making your bed has a negative and ripple effect for the rest of the day. And at the end of the day, it always begins with me doing what I can do to make myself have a better day, more happiness which will generate a bigger impact in the world.

Should smartphones be banned at schools?  

Technology is upgraded and developed day-to-day. It becomes a very important part of our daily life, work and study. Since many things have been invented to make human life comfortable, the smartphone has become one of the most important tools for communicating with each other globally. Smartphones are used by people around the world and not only by elderly people but also by teenagers. Normally, teenagers take their phones to school almost every day in order to contact with their family members and have access to the internet to find books or other materials related to their study. Nowadays the smartphone has become a sharing device for students for transmitting information, pictures and other things to their classmates and even to their teacher. Some opponents raise the idea that schools should ban smartphones.  However, I am of the opinion that smartphones can be educational tools and should not be banned. For example, I use my smartphone for reading a book in the reading hall. Using smartphones at school has so many advantages. When someone is browsing on the Internet in their free time, there could be an interesting article to learn something or teachers could have students do a project on an app. Students will also become more independent and motivated while doing their work at school. Students like to be allowed to make their own choices. The opponents of using smartphones at schools are of the opinion that cell phones interfere with students’ learning process by deviating their attention from their lessons to other materials on the Internet. Nevertheless, we must accept that we live in the world full of technology.

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